Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Activision has announced a surprise sequel to their 2005 hit title ‘Gun’. The new game, officially titled Gun: Cole’s Return, the storyline will pick up ten years after the events in the original title. In an effort to capitalize on the success of their ‘Rock Band’ franchise the title will come packaged with a fully functional replica pistol, similar to the one used by the protagonist. Again, Neversoft is developing the title.

“We are happy and excited to announce Gun: Cole’s Return as an addition to our 2009 product lineup,” said the company in a statement. “With the success of the original title, and the rabid fan base it has developed, we feel that this new title will be warmly received by everyone. Further, the inclusion of the replica pistol furthers our commitment to packing in peripherals and issuing special editions. Judging by the success of properties such as ‘Rock Band’ we know that this is something gamers are clamouring for.”

old west pistolThe company also went on to say that they had considered including a light gun peripheral for the title, but that “light guns have never enjoyed much success,” and that gamers tended to seek more realism in their games. “A multi-colored gun wouldn’t have cut it in this day and age.”

Already the decision to release a special edition of the title has met with outrage from parents groups and groans from gamers.


full article

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