Sunday, November 9, 2008

Website Traffic: How To Get It Free Or Cheap

Getting high-quality targeted traffic to your site is probably one of the hardest things you need to learn so you may try to ignore it. But, it is the most important thing you need to learn so you better pay attention. Without quality traffic your site does not exist as far as the world is concerned.

There are a number of reasons why it's difficult for most small businesses and online marketers. The majority of popular site promotion strategies either take up a lot of time, cost a lot of money, or are too risky. Of course, the option to hire a company to do it for you is always open to you. There are many to choose from. Some are really expensive for the average site owner. A few are cheap but you get what you pay for.

My best advice is do not pay for traffic when starting out unless you have a big budget. Smart marketers use PPC (Pay per click). They have deep pockets and it works. Do a lot of research before taking the PPC route. It can break your budget really fast.

For now, here are a few free traffic methods to get you started.

The most important thing to know about getting free website traffic is this: You need to have a good site. Your site should have quality information to offer, information that would cause visitors to tell their friends and come back for more. This is word-of-mouth free traffic or viral traffic.

Although link trading has been around for a while, it continues to be a strong method to reel in free internet marketing website traffic. Link trading involves you placing a link to another site on your site in exchange for your link being placed on their site. After thousands of link exchanges, the link to your site will be on thousands of other sites. The more chances people have to see your site, the more traffic you will generate.

A word of caution about link trading: Make sure you use a service that allows you to choose the sites you want linking to you. These should be quality sites that fit the content of your site. If you sell auto parts you do not want dog grooming sites linking to you. With unrelated links, search engines will see your site as a link "farm" and ignore it.

Try to become known on the internet for your niche. By hanging out in forums and constantly giving people tips and advice, your name will become known. From there, you want your name to become associated with your site. As more and more people become familiar with your name, it will turn into a viral engine and you will have traffic flowing from all angles.

One of my favorite methods is writing articles on various topics. This article, that you are reading, is a good example. I hope I have given you some good information about how to generate free traffic and how to avoid going broke trying to buy traffic.

I submit articles like this to article directories all across the web. Many directories have a page rank of 2 or above which means my articles, and author links, are being seen by thousands of people. This drives traffic back to my website.

There really is not one great way to generate free internet marketing website traffic. There are many free methods that you can use to do so. Be smart. Investigate and test as many free methods as possible. After all, the more angles you approach the more free traffic you will generate. Stop struggling with website traffic programs. Jim DeSantis is an award winning broadcast journalist who provides a new ebook Free Traffic - here!


  1. These are good tips. Truly, when starting out with a website, it not practical to pay to get traffic. It is wise to maximize all the free traffic-driving resources until your site has already established a place in search engines. There's no harm trying out all free internet marketing website traffic methods anyway.

  2. I have heard so many people talking about this that I am sure it comes as no surprise to say that the best way to find jobs in a recession is to investigate jobs on employer websites:

    -employers do not use recruiters in recessions because they cost money
    -job boards are flooded with applicants

    People just do not look for jobs on employer websites. There are thousands of employer websites in most cities and many of the job sit on there for months without applications.

    This is where most of the jobs are and I found this far more effective than other means.

    I started using a research [url=] jobs site [/url] called [url=]Hound[/url] that I do not think anyone knows about because it is run by a small company that does not advertise.

    All [url=] [/url] does is show you [url=] unadvertised job openings that are not publicly advertised[/url] and are located on employer websites.

    Very few people realize that most employers post their job on their own sites and not on job boards like Monster, CareerBuilder, etc. because these sites charge employers up to $500 to post a single job. In my experience (I am getting more interviews that I ever have), your chances of getting interviews and hired are much better when you are applying to jobs that are not advertised that no one knows about.

    I have gotten a ton of interviews through the [url=]Hound site[/url]. If you are looking for a job I would highly recommend using [url=]Hound[/url] . What most people do not realize is that most jobs are found on employer websites and not job boards. [url=]Hound[/url] puts all of the jobs it finds from employer websiste (every Fortune 500, Inc. 500 and other company it can locate) on its site.

    When you start seeing sites advertise themselves a lot that should be a warning sign of sorts because that means that lots of people will start going and applying to the jobs. I really trust [url=]Hound[/url] because it does not advertise.

  3. Thanks for your stuff, really it's a useful blog for all the students those who are in Internet Marketing, your experience can be a great advantage from them to start up their career.

  4. Wow! what an idea ! What a concept ! Beautiful .. Amazing ? :)
