TEN people a week in Britain are hospitalised from playing Wii games.
The growing toll has prompted NHS doctors to warn of the dangers.
Wii-itis sufferers usually have excruciating pain in the right shoulder or knee.
Wii-itis ... games can
cause injury
A rheumatology consultant said: “Most are admitted after playing the tennis and running games which involve sudden movements and violent tendon stretching.”
Dr Dev Mukerjee, of Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford, Essex, said: “There has been a 100 per cent increase in patients complaining of Wii-itis.
“I’ve seen many patients aged between eight and 13 — and I’ve seen adults.
“It’s possible that Wii-itus may lead to rheumatism and arthritis in later life. Patients often have inflammation of the shoulder or wrist.”
Others have a ligament injury dubbed Wii-knee which some have blamed on the popular Wii-Fit game.
Dr Mukerjee said: “People who are double-jointed are most likely to suffer from Wii-knee — and in extreme cases the knee cap can be dislocated or can even pop out.”
Treatment includes cortisone injections and anti-inflammatory painkillers. Recovery takes up to three months.
Docs advise stretching exercises before play.
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